Master of Public Administration – Criminal Justice Administration

The Master of Public Administration with a concentration in criminal justice administration combines theory with the practical industry knowledge. This degree program touches on a variety of topics including crime theory, constitutional law and more. The MPA with a concentration in criminal justice administration prepares graduates for career advancement in agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation and state and local law enforcement agencies.

Degree at a Glance

  • Number of Credits 36
  • Maximum Transfer Credits 18
  • Tuition Per Credit *$335.00

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students should be able to do the following:

  • Evaluate public sector budgets.
  • Manage the public policy process to improve organizations.
  • Apply ethical principles related to multiculturalism and gender equity to resolve ethical dilemmas in the workplace.
  • Analyze problem-solving strategies for implementation in public/non-profit agencies.
Criminal Justice Administration Concentration

Created for public managers interested in working in law enforcement and seeking to improve analytical and problem-solving skills through advanced theory-to-practice training in the field. Prepares public managers for career advancements in agencies such as Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marshals, and state and local law enforcement agencies.

Concentration Outcomes

  • Evaluate criminal justice strategies, policies, and procedures to determine best practices.
  • Explain how criminal justice theories and technologies impact the commission and solution of crime.


Major Requirements
24 semester hours

PUA 5301 Administration of Public Institutions (Credit hours: 3)

Focuses on the evolution of the ontological (view of reality) and epistemological (view of knowledge derivation) theoretical foundations that undergird the multidisciplinary applied field of public administration research and practice. Students engage in critical thinking and decision-making in the application of public administration theoretical knowledge to the processes of solving real-world problems facing the field of public administration demonstrated in written evaluation briefings using both analysis and synthesis.

PUA 5302 Public Administration Ethics (Credit hours: 3)

Focuses on meta-ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics theory in the context of the multidisciplinary applied field of public administration and policy research and practice. Students demonstrate knowledge of ethical theories such as utilitarianism, deontology, and social constructivism, and through analysis, engage in critical thinking and problem solving for comprehension of real problems facing public managers.

PUA 5303 Organizational Theory (Credit hours: 3)
Presents the foundational theories of both organizational theory and organizational behavior in the public administration context. Students evaluate the usefulness and applicability of various organizational, theoretical, and behavioral-based theoretical constructs to specific public sector organization/agency case study scenarios. Students apply theory to practice in solving case study problems, using appropriate and applicable theories from the body of literature addressing organizational theory and behavior in the context of public service.

PUA 5304 Quantitative Research Methods (Credit hours: 3)
Examines applied research, quantitative research, and qualitative research designs and methodologies that are applicable to the public workplace. Outlines each step in the research process for the public sector professional.

PUA 5305 Public Finance and Budgeting (Credit hours: 3)
Presents the foundational theories and methodological tools used in public finance and budgeting. Students apply their knowledge to make use of finance and budgeting methodological tools, such as cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis in the application of finance and budgetary theory to practice. Students also create and oversee public sector fiscal processes. Students evaluate a budget and identify important budget items that public managers must consider in preparation and presentation of a budget. The usefulness of finance and budgeting theoretical constructs and methodological tools are applied to solve real-world public finance and budgetary case studies.

PUA 5306 Public Policy (Credit hours: 3)
Provides a critical overview of the public policy process and effects on public, nonprofit, and private organizations. Students identify the steps in the public policy and analysis process, including problem identification, policy formation, and implementation, as well as evaluate techniques within various public sectors and nonprofit organization environments. Students implement successful strategies using case analysis and demonstrate understanding of the policy steps as students apply them to a public policy moving through their state, city, or county legislature or policy regulation within the public agency.

PUA 5307 Strategic Planning (Credit hours: 3)

Provides an in-depth examination of strategic planning in the public and nonprofit sectors. Highlights how the lack of strategic planning has negatively impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of public and nonprofit agencies historically. In addition, the course presents real-world applicable strategies and techniques that can empower public and nonprofit agencies to craft strategic plans that will help ensure their health and success during an era of cutback management, reduced budgets and revenues, and increased citizen and stakeholder demand.

PUA 5308 MPA Seminar (Credit hours: 3)

Meets the critical thinking, written, and presentation outcomes of the MPA program. Students demonstrate integrative knowledge and comprehension of the theoretical constructs and methodological tools that they have learned in each of the previous MPA core courses. Students apply theory to practice and evaluate the usefulness of technology and e-government, e-learning, and e-training in a public sector context. Students develop a final project based on current and near future technological innovation and evaluate the usefulness of the technological innovation to enhancing the service provision of a governmental or nonprofit organization or agency.


CMJ 5301 Theory of Crime and Criminology (Credit hours: 3)

Examines theoretical explanations of crime, causations, and associated criminal behaviors. The course addresses the social impact of criminality, crime prevention, and research on current criminal justice issues. The course also presents the students with an assessment of the major components of the U.S. criminal justice system and its associated partnerships throughout the U.S. government agencies.

CMJ 5302 Adult and Juvenile Correctional Systems (Credit hours: 3)

Explores the American adult and juvenile correctional system focusing on critical issues, correctional practices, and correctional reform.

CMJ 5305 Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Administration (Credit hours: 3)

Presents an overview of criminal justice administration theories, research methodologies, and technologies that impact criminal justice administrations (law enforcement, courts, and corrections). Examines principles of administration, including organizational structure, function, and the processes of criminal justice systems.

CMJ 6301 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice (Credit hours: 3)

Explores constitutional law and its impact on contemporary America, including constitutional rights and potential civil liability in the workplace.